Absolute Best Crockpot Chili

Absolute Best Crockpot Chili I realize that’s a pretty big claim in the title, to call my chili the Absolute Best Crockpot Chili, but I promise that this chili recipe is absolutely delicious. When fall comes around, I like to make a lot of dishes in the crockpot that areRead More →

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chicken farfalle w sundried tomato mushroom garlic cream sauce

Chicken Farfalle w/ Sundried Tomato Mushroom Garlic Sauce The inspiration for my Chicken Farfalle w/ Sundried Tomato Mushroom Garlic Cream Sauce was my Grandmother (of course!) Years and years ago, when Grandma was still able to get around, she lived on her own in an adorable apartment in a seniorRead More →

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Roasted Asparagus

Asparagus is one of my favorite vegetables year-round, but I tend to reach for it most it in the summertime. It’s bright and hearty and it’s also a very pretty ingredient. I like it steamed by itself, in dishes like pasta, and especially roasted in the oven. I decided to addRead More →

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