Here are some of the blogs that I read when time permits. They all have great content and I am always up for learning. I want to give a shout-out to these talented bloggers and I hope you will give them some love. Laura in the Kitchen (food & cooking videos)Read More →

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Roasted Asparagus

Asparagus is one of my favorite vegetables year-round, but I tend to reach for it most it in the summertime. It’s bright and hearty and it’s also a very pretty ingredient. I like it steamed by itself, in dishes like pasta, and especially roasted in the oven. I decided to addRead More →

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Hope loves the snow, hates the rain and loves the sunshine. When the weather is warm and dry, if we leave the sliding glass door open, she will sit on the top porch step just soaking in the sun. She roams the grass and explores the yard, but inevitably sheRead More →

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green beans almondine

Green Beans Almondine Green beans are one of my favorite vegetables and they are one of those veggies that just about everyone loves.  They are also reasonably priced, good for you and can be prepared in a variety of ways. One of my favorite ways is the focus of this post.Read More →

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We have gotten a ton of rain here in Colorado this Spring, which has helped the grass green up and everything is growing like crazy. The downside is, outdoor activities have been limited, so Hope and I have had to do a lot of walks in the neighborhood, rather thanRead More →

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