Hello Friends, I just wanted to hop on here and let you know that my thoughts and prayers are with everyone in the path of Hurricane Irma. The photos that were released today are shocking and frightening. If you’re reading this and are in Irma’s path, please don’t take anyRead More →

butter pan

Butter Pan Hello friends, today I’m sharing another family recipe. Butter Pan is a recipe from my mother and it happens to be my sister’s favorite dessert. As I’ve shared before, even as a child, I was never really crazy about cake. For my birthdays, my mom would decorate theseRead More →

bbq chicken quesadillas

BBQ Chicken Quesadillas Howdy friends! I hope you’re enjoying your summer. We’ve had a lot of rain lately, which has made everything green and lush. Here in Colorado, we have some of the most spectacular thunderstorms. Thunderstorms are one of my favorite things in the summertime. Hope dog doesn’t likeRead More →

As we go about our day today, grilling, laughing with friends, soaking up the sun on the beach, floating down the river and watching fireworks, let’s not forget. Our freedom came at a very high price. I am so grateful to live in a country where I am free andRead More →

bacon ranch burgers

Bacon Ranch Burgers Hello Friends! It’s summer (finally!) and grilling season is in full swing. Today, I’m sharing my recipe for bacon ranch burgers with you. Here in Colorado, we have all four seasons and each one has its own beauty. Coloradans are very outdoorsy and as soon as theRead More →

Restaurant Style Salsa Hello Friends! Today I’ve got a delicious recipe to share with you. My restaurant style salsa is loaded with fresh ingredients. I would argue that this salsa would give most restaurants a run for their money in the flavor department. The nice thing about making salsa atRead More →